
Simulace a Model-Based Design

Simulink® is an extension of the MATLAB environment designed for modeling and simulating dynamic systems and developing algorithms using the Model-Based Design method. It provides the user with the ability to quickly and easily create simulation models in the form of block diagrams and deploy them to target platforms without manually writing code.
Models can be described by equations or they can be built from blocks representing elements of real systems. In addition to models of physical systems, it is also possible to model algorithms of control systems, including their automatic tuning, systems for signal processing, communication and image processing.
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Modeling of systems

Manage and deploy models

Model-Based Design

A system design method based on the use of simulation models across the entire development cycle.

The center of the Model-Based Design design process is the system model in the Simulink environment. The model is used from the definition of the requirements for the final device, through the design of the dynamic system and algorithms, to the implementation on the target platform and the testing of the prototype. The implementation relies on the automatic generation of C or HDL code from the created models.

simulink projects

Interfacing with hardware

Simulink includes built-in support for designing, running, and testing models on embedded hardware, including Arduino, Raspberry PI, and other platforms.
